Any successful enterprise sales strategy requires a robust sales enablement program. This includes equipping the sales team with appropriate resources, data, and tools to support them in reaching their objectives.

When it comes to measuring the success of a sales enablement program, there are several key performance indicators (KPIs) that can be used:

Sales Productivity
The performance of the sales personnel is measured by this KPI, taking into account metrics such as the number of calls, meetings, and offers made by each sales rep. For organizations dealing in enterprise-level transactions, sales productivity is a critical KPI, as it assists them in evaluating the profitability of their sales team.

Win Rates
This KPI measures the percentage of deals won by the sales team. A high win rate is an indicator of an effective sales process and can be used to identify areas for improvement.

Deal Size
The average size of a sale made by the sales team is calculated through this KPI. A high average deal size is an indicator of the effectiveness of the sales team in selling to enterprise customers.

Time to Close
The length of the sales cycle from initial contact with the customer, to the closing of the deal, can be measured through this KPI. For some organizations, a shorter sales cycle is an indicator of an effective sales process and can be used to identify areas for improvement.

Content Engagement
This KPI measures the engagement with sales enablement content, such as sales collateral, training materials, and customer-facing content. It helps companies determine which content is most effective in driving sales and can also be used to identify areas for improvement.

Training Completion
To evaluate the effectiveness of their sales training programs, companies utilize this KPI to determine if their sales reps are adequately trained and can be used to identify if further growth is necessary.

In conclusion, measuring the success of a sales enablement program is critical for companies selling to enterprise. By tracking these common KPIs, companies can identify areas for improvement, optimize their sales process, and drive revenue growth.