What roles does creativity have in a world increasingly dependent on the use of AI technology, especially in content creation?
Elad Ben David, Hea
Signal-Based Growth Strategy: Common Room's Fresh Approach to Find Sales Leads
How can you connect account-level signals with individual actions? Read more...
In our recent episode of the "ABX & Cocktails" podcast, Ben Rotenberg, Head of Growth at Classiq—a quantum computing software company—joined Read more...
In the fast-paced world of tech companies, scaling a B2B marketing function from zero to impactful can seem like an impossible challenge. Yuval RamsoRead more...
In our recent “ABX & Cocktails” episode, Dmitry Bergelson and Oleg Sobolev, founders of Extrovert, shared a game-changing approach to sales eRead more...
Social TV Panel at 140Conf
December 7, 2009
Kfir Pravda
I had the honor to participate in TLV 140 Conference, organized by Jeff Pulver. I was a part of a panel about Social TV with Dror Gil and Itay Samir
Here is the video archive of the panel (a bit choppy, but audio is great). Thanks Jeff for inviting us to speak and listen.