[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="240" caption="Image by Yang and Yun's Album via Flickr"][/caption] Last night I had a wonderful dinner with good friends.
Apple, Adobe, HTML 5, Flash and Standards
February 21, 2010
Image via Wikipedia Apple doesn't like Flash. We know that already. Steve Jobs recently called Adobe lazy, and we all know that
Buzz, Blogsphere and Serial Killers
February 18, 2010
Image by missresincup via Flickr The blogsphere has more killers than American Maximux Secutiry prison. Twitter would kill Facebook. Facebook would kill
The Film List – Dark Ones
December 21, 2009
Films are an important part of my life. I am sucker for suspension of disblief, sotrytelling, and that unique feeling when the
Social TV Panel at 140Conf
December 7, 2009
I had the honor to participate in TLV 140 Conference, organized by Jeff Pulver. I was a part of a panel about
Guest Post: Creating a Conversation
March 3, 2010
Ilil Ben Shalom
Imagine a world in which it makes no difference how tall you are; what you look like. Imagine a world that doesn’t judge you according to who your parents are; what your education is; what your achievements have been. Imagine a social universe that rates you purely according to one criterion: do you have anything interesting to say? Well, do you?