“What is the most important thing for a company? Is it the cash flow? Is it the inventory? Nuh-uh. It’s the people. The people.”
Whether or not you take management advice from Michael Scott, Regional Director of Dunder Mifflin from the popular comedy show The Office, he makes a valid point. While we may rely more on our iPads than our paper distributor in order to run our daily business operations, what’s really most important is the people, our customers.
Customers today have high expectations and hold more power than ever before. IBM is plowing forward with various platforms to help marketers meet these demands. In a world with constant connectivity, customers demand almost instant responses and one misstep in their buying experience can leave them running to your competitor, along with hundreds of their Facebook friends and Twitter followers. This is the challenge that IBM’s various marketing platforms face. These include Silverpop and Unica for marketing automation, along with Watson and other Business Intelligence platforms for valuable insights.
Opportunity lies in rapid change, actionable insights and smart, real-time engagement, which is the focus of this year’s IBM BusinessConnect. We’re excited to be exhibitioning at this year’s conference, taking place in Tel Aviv on Tuesday, June 16th. The theme is “seize the moment,” focusing on Watson, IBM’s cognitive system that enables a new partnership between people and computers that enhances and scales human expertise. We’ll be there, along with other industry experts and thought leaders, exploring and learning together how we can use innovation and advanced technologies, such as Watson, to connect with our customers through relevant, prompt and continuous engagement.
If you’re in town, make sure to stop by our booth in the foyer at the David Intercontinental. We’ll be running a live quiz, where you can test your digital marketing know-how against that of your peers and the rest of the conference-goers. Submit your answers and you will automatically be entered in our raffle for the chance to win a free marketing consultation. And, just like any other PMG event, we’ll have fresh mimosas for your enjoyment!
Let’s Seize the Moment at IBM BusinessConnect
June 8, 2015
Annette Dvorak
“What is the most important thing for a company? Is it the cash flow? Is it the inventory? Nuh-uh. It’s the people. The people.”
Whether or not you take management advice from Michael Scott, Regional Director of Dunder Mifflin from the popular comedy show The Office, he makes a valid point. While we may rely more on our iPads than our paper distributor in order to run our daily business operations, what’s really most important is the people, our customers.
Customers today have high expectations and hold more power than ever before. IBM is plowing forward with various platforms to help marketers meet these demands. In a world with constant connectivity, customers demand almost instant responses and one misstep in their buying experience can leave them running to your competitor, along with hundreds of their Facebook friends and Twitter followers. This is the challenge that IBM’s various marketing platforms face. These include Silverpop and Unica for marketing automation, along with Watson and other Business Intelligence platforms for valuable insights.
Opportunity lies in rapid change, actionable insights and smart, real-time engagement, which is the focus of this year’s IBM BusinessConnect. We’re excited to be exhibitioning at this year’s conference, taking place in Tel Aviv on Tuesday, June 16th. The theme is “seize the moment,” focusing on Watson, IBM’s cognitive system that enables a new partnership between people and computers that enhances and scales human expertise. We’ll be there, along with other industry experts and thought leaders, exploring and learning together how we can use innovation and advanced technologies, such as Watson, to connect with our customers through relevant, prompt and continuous engagement.
If you’re in town, make sure to stop by our booth in the foyer at the David Intercontinental. We’ll be running a live quiz, where you can test your digital marketing know-how against that of your peers and the rest of the conference-goers. Submit your answers and you will automatically be entered in our raffle for the chance to win a free marketing consultation. And, just like any other PMG event, we’ll have fresh mimosas for your enjoyment!