This is a post by a dear friend Kathryn Johns, describing her Kickstart funded project. Tons of innovative elements here.
This past friday my partners and I open a revolutionary, live theatrical event. Better Left Unsaid TV is the first of its kind, interactive live streamed video/play. Staged in New York City, Better Left Unsaid will be shot with multiple cameras, mixed in real time via a NewTek Tricaster XD850 and streamed live to a global audience. We are not an established company, we are not famous or powerful or rich or connected. We are however, living in the Age of Yes.
For an independent artist, this is an unprecedented time in terms of an individuals ability to green light their own creative projects, and to have their work seen, not by the hundreds but by the hundreds of thousands.
There are two factors that have changed the scope of what an independent artist can create. The first is the ever growing accessibility of technology that allow us to shoot, edit and distribute our own work for a minimum of cost. The other is the unlimited community that we can foster to support our work. Gone are the days of postcards and prayers‚ this is the era of Twitter and Facebook.
One of social media’s greatest gifts is its ability to introduce us to people and events that we would never before have encountered. In April of 2007 I saw a tweet announcing Jeff Pulver and Chris Brogans‚first live show on I watched Jeff and Chris with my heart pounding‚there was something in this for me‚I knew it. 5 months later I launched ‚35 the first scripted web drama to stream live to the internet. I was already deeply ensconced in the online social media community via Jeff and Chris, and in turn the community embraced and paved the way for so much of our success. We shot 35 on a minimal budget, but were covered by The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal and blogs all over the world.
Social Media has continued to grow in ways which even more profoundly enable independent artists. Facebook pages allow you to expand you rolodex well beyond your circle of personal acquaintances and to communicate with and galvanize that community. And as Twitter matures, so do the applications that are built for it. Today I can target and correspond with anyone on Twitter who I think would be interested in my work.
And finally, say goodbye to the fundraising letter and hello to crowd-funding. Better Left Unsaid was funded entirely via Kickstarter. Utilizing video, images and blogs we used Kickstarter as the platform from which to reach out to our communities on Facebook and Twitter. While crowd funding does not lighten the fund raising work load, it does create a place for your community to gather, a platform from which to stay in touch with your backers, and Kickstarter’s all or nothing policy built in a sense of competition and urgency that ignited our backers and drove many of our final donations.
It is 2011 – and everything we need to inspire, fund, create, market and distribute our work is literally at our fingertips. There are no more excuses‚ so grab your computer, build your community and go make your dreams come true!
Tickets for Better Left Unsaid are available at Better Left Unsaid TV. This is †New York City theater that you can watch (and interact with) from anywhere in the world- so join us and support this first of it’s time integration of arts and technology. A special performance, optimized for a European audience has been scheduled for Sunday February 6th at 9pm GMT.
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Digital Innovation – Better Left Unsaid
January 31, 2011
Kfir Pravda
This is a post by a dear friend Kathryn Johns, describing her Kickstart funded project. Tons of innovative elements here.
This past friday my partners and I open a revolutionary, live theatrical event. Better Left Unsaid TV is the first of its kind, interactive live streamed video/play. Staged in New York City, Better Left Unsaid will be shot with multiple cameras, mixed in real time via a NewTek Tricaster XD850 and streamed live to a global audience. We are not an established company, we are not famous or powerful or rich or connected. We are however, living in the Age of Yes.
For an independent artist, this is an unprecedented time in terms of an individuals ability to green light their own creative projects, and to have their work seen, not by the hundreds but by the hundreds of thousands.
There are two factors that have changed the scope of what an independent artist can create. The first is the ever growing accessibility of technology that allow us to shoot, edit and distribute our own work for a minimum of cost. The other is the unlimited community that we can foster to support our work. Gone are the days of postcards and prayers‚ this is the era of Twitter and Facebook.
One of social media’s greatest gifts is its ability to introduce us to people and events that we would never before have encountered. In April of 2007 I saw a tweet announcing Jeff Pulver and Chris Brogans‚ first live show on I watched Jeff and Chris with my heart pounding‚there was something in this for me‚I knew it. 5 months later I launched ‚35 the first scripted web drama to stream live to the internet. I was already deeply ensconced in the online social media community via Jeff and Chris, and in turn the community embraced and paved the way for so much of our success. We shot 35 on a minimal budget, but were covered by The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal and blogs all over the world.
Social Media has continued to grow in ways which even more profoundly enable independent artists. Facebook pages allow you to expand you rolodex well beyond your circle of personal acquaintances and to communicate with and galvanize that community. And as Twitter matures, so do the applications that are built for it. Today I can target and correspond with anyone on Twitter who I think would be interested in my work.
And finally, say goodbye to the fundraising letter and hello to crowd-funding. Better Left Unsaid was funded entirely via Kickstarter. Utilizing video, images and blogs we used Kickstarter as the platform from which to reach out to our communities on Facebook and Twitter. While crowd funding does not lighten the fund raising work load, it does create a place for your community to gather, a platform from which to stay in touch with your backers, and Kickstarter’s all or nothing policy built in a sense of competition and urgency that ignited our backers and drove many of our final donations.
It is 2011 – and everything we need to inspire, fund, create, market and distribute our work is literally at our fingertips. There are no more excuses‚ so grab your computer, build your community and go make your dreams come true!
Tickets for Better Left Unsaid are available at Better Left Unsaid TV. This is †New York City theater that you can watch (and interact with) from anywhere in the world- so join us and support this first of it’s time integration of arts and technology. A special performance, optimized for a European audience has been scheduled for Sunday February 6th at 9pm GMT.
Kathryn Velvel Jones is an actor , producer and online video innovator. She conceived of and produced “35, the first scripted web drama to stream live, conceived of and co-produced “Women Respond to Palin” a live political webathon, and is currently producing Better Left Unsaid, the first interactive live streamed play.