We’ve been reading some great stuff at Pravda Media Group that you might enjoy as well. So, pour yourself a cup of coffee, sit down, and get your read on — you’ll feel more productive than if you’re just trawling Facebook.
Eight Ways To Go Viral
Uzi Shmilovici, CEO and founder of Future Simple, explains virality and demonstrates some great tools companies use to boost theirviral factor.
Why Android updates are a mess: it’s the business model
Ed Bott explains why The Android business model practically guarantees that updates will be a mess.
The Amazing Power of Deflationary Economics for Startups
Mark Suster argues that the most succesfull internet companies are the ones that offer amazing value at high volumes which makes it nearly impossible for high-cost incumbents to compete.
The year in mobile apps: Where we’ve been, where we’re going
Erica Ogg gives a nice overlook at the year we’ve had of mobile apps and has some great predictions for what’s ahead.
And we’re curious: What have YOU been reading?

Coffee Break: Four Articles Worth Reading
January 5, 2012
Yarin Hochman
We’ve been reading some great stuff at Pravda Media Group that you might enjoy as well. So, pour yourself a cup of coffee, sit down, and get your read on — you’ll feel more productive than if you’re just trawling Facebook.
Eight Ways To Go Viral
Uzi Shmilovici, CEO and founder of Future Simple, explains virality and demonstrates some great tools companies use to boost theirviral factor.
Why Android updates are a mess: it’s the business model
Ed Bott explains why The Android business model practically guarantees that updates will be a mess.
The Amazing Power of Deflationary Economics for Startups
Mark Suster argues that the most succesfull internet companies are the ones that offer amazing value at high volumes which makes it nearly impossible for high-cost incumbents to compete.
The year in mobile apps: Where we’ve been, where we’re going
Erica Ogg gives a nice overlook at the year we’ve had of mobile apps and has some great predictions for what’s ahead.
And we’re curious: What have YOU been reading?