Executive Summary Catching the attention of highly qualified prospects at scale is no easy task, as Start-UP Nation Central, a client of ours, recently discovered.Using HubSpot Sales Hub, we divided the target audience into two groups and created a personalized sending sequence for each group. The result: the open rate rose 50% and the reply rate was 6x higher than the
In our recent episode of the "ABX & Cocktails" podcast, Ben Rotenberg, Head of Growth at Classiq—a quantum computing software company—joined Read more...
In the fast-paced world of tech companies, scaling a B2B marketing function from zero to impactful can seem like an impossible challenge. Yuval RamsoRead more...
In our recent “ABX & Cocktails” episode, Dmitry Bergelson and Oleg Sobolev, founders of Extrovert, shared a game-changing approach to sales eRead more...
Leveraging intent data has become a game-changer for enterprise sales teams. Our recent podcast and webinar featuring Kfir Pravda, CEO of PMG, and RoRead more...
Getting the buyer journey right is important, especially with all the changes in B2B marketing that have cropped up in recent years. In our recent "ARead more...
HubSpot Personalized Emails at Scale Lands 6X More Replies
June 25, 2020
Yael Marom
Executive Summary Catching the attention of highly qualified prospects at scale is no easy task, as Start-UP Nation Central, a client of ours, recently discovered.Using HubSpot Sales Hub, we divided the target audience into two groups and created a personalized sending sequence for each group. The result: the open rate rose 50% and the reply rate was 6x higher than the