Microsoft’s research lab in partnership with researchers at Carnegie Mellon University has brought life to a true sci-fi-secret-agent concept: Using skin as a touchable gadget! The general idea is simple: A projector displays images somewhere on your body — say, your arm, for example — and a sensor captures your touch. Really cool, right? With such technology you can play games, control an MP3 player, make phone calls, and much more…the possibilities are endless. For a more detailed explanation of the invention, check out the video:
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From touch-screen to touch-skin
October 2, 2011
Natasha Szczerb
Microsoft’s research lab in partnership with researchers at Carnegie Mellon University has brought life to a true sci-fi-secret-agent concept: Using skin as a touchable gadget! The general idea is simple: A projector displays images somewhere on your body — say, your arm, for example — and a sensor captures your touch. Really cool, right? With such technology you can play games, control an MP3 player, make phone calls, and much more…the possibilities are endless. For a more detailed explanation of the invention, check out the video: