Image by myuibe via Flickr After spending tens of dollars on iPad apps, I can tell you one thing - developers are
Category: Technology
The iPad Chronicles (1): iPad, Crippled Innovation?
April 11, 2010
I got my iPad a week ago, and in this series of posts I'll cover this device from point of views of
Come to ThinkNext2010 (with Promo Codes)
April 1, 2010
Image via CrunchBase Yes, I know, I am an Apple fan promoting a Microsoft's event, but this one is different... Last year,
The Future Of Publishing (2): One iPad to rule
March 15, 2010
Image by via Flickr As magazine publishers are looking for ways to survive the digital revolution, there is one knight in
It Isn't The Features Stupid!
February 26, 2010
[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="240" caption="Image by Yang and Yun's Album via Flickr"][/caption] Last night I had a wonderful dinner with good friends.
Tonight, Dr. House Will Redefine Filmmaking, and HDSLR Market
May 17, 2010
Kfir Pravda
Image by Getty Images via Daylife If I told Dr. Gregory House that his season finale will affect the world of photography and film making, he'd probably answer with some witty-yet-rude comment about my possible film maker wonnabe frustration, and go to annoy Dr. Wilson. But strangely enough, House MD 6th season finale, aired tonight, will be one of the most